Wednesday, May 11, 2011


well when i first got my artist i thought it would have something to do with space and stars but i was verrrryyyyy wrong. Stelarc is an incredibly creative performance artist who has done many performances and all of his work has to do with the human body. from his website you can see that "He has performed with a THIRD HAND, a VIRTUAL ARM, a STOMACH SCULPTURE and EXOSKELETON, a 6-legged walking robot. His FRACTAL FLESH, PING BODY and PARASITE performances explored involuntary, remote and internet choreography of the body with electrical stimulation of the muscles." Stelarc has even done some art on second life, which is where he is currently performing.

Stelarc is originally from australia where he went to a few art schools, yet none of them fit his style of art.    it wasnt until he went to Japan, that he was able to express his art in a technological ways because they had the means to do so. Many of his public performances were suspensions. He only performed these suspensions in Australia, Japan, Europe, and USA.

this picture describes his theory perfectly. His theory is that like technology, our bodies need to continue  to  "upgrade" themselves so that they can continue to evolve. So, here he created a third arm that functions as exactly as his third arm. He says that our bodies can only do so much, but when technology is involved, our bodies can do so much more.

his main idea is that humans have created technology that has far surpassed our own physical capacity for storing and retrieving information.

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