Monday, April 25, 2011

beale center

oh my goodness the beale center was definitely an experience. so krysta and i arrived at UCI around 4 pm. little did we know that this center would be sooooooo hard to find. we walked around the entire hour looking for this building . half an hour after getting there we decided to ask a student to help us find it. He asked alllllll of his friends and no one had heard of the beale center. boy was this a mission! well five minutes before 5 ( which is when it closes) we found it and ran in! and im sorry to say this, but we were pretty disappointed. we had gone through all that trouble to look at three pieces of blow up balloons that moved and lit up when you walked around them. ONLY THREE!!! we couldnt believe it but we looked at all of them, walked around all of them, and tried to figure out what they were. after snapping a few shots with them we were told the center was closing. i cant wait to read my fellow classmates blogs on this, to hopefully find some insight on what we looked at :) pictures will be up tomorrow

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